Saturday, September 1, 2018



     I never came across this before. I study sleep; so you would figure I know everything there is to know about the unconscious mind, but you’d be wrong. Before I say what I want, I’ll let you read patient 1017392’s note. . .

     Do they think I am crazy now? I have no doubt that you’re reading this, Dr. Peterson. Dreams are our way to connecting to other dimensions. 50% of people had at least one lucid dream in their life, but you need to be a lucid dreamer and practice tearing the fabric of the 3rd dimension to enter others. There are 10 dimensions in total, but humans can only reach the 9th on their own. You have to be born in the 10th to stay there. The Pure Ones, the 10th dimension beings, can travel to any dimension they want and change form as they see fit. Aliens, ghosts, Bigfoot, the man under your bed, etc., all Pure Ones visiting us. The only way a human can reach the 10th and stay and be a Pure One, you need a guide and be transformed. I found my guide and she is taking me tonight. I won’t be able to come back to this dimension with this body after that, which is why I’m leaving this note behind. You told me before you can lucid dream. Do it more, find a Pure One that can take you on, if you have the will and knowledge to see it through. I know you want out. Set yourself free. Maybe we’ll cross paths someday. . .
See you on the other side,
Crazy Kenny

     That was it. He was gone when I went to check on him in the morning. Nothing but the note left on his bed. All the wires I had hooked up to him were on the pillow. My nurses came in and asked if I let him go, I told them to go check the hospital. I sat on the empty, cold bed reading his brief note, wondering if it was real. There was no way out of that room. None! I spent months looking through papers, talking to the police if they found him or not… nothing; He was just gone. I didn’t tell anybody about that note. I didn’t want anyone thinking I had something to do with his disappearance,
     I spent time lucid dreaming on the weekends. I couldn’t function at work the next day after I had one. I could change the whole world and make everything I wanted. I got so good, I could even fly and take on forms of animals. On my vacation, that’s all I did was sleep. Lucid dreaming almost 20 hours a day. The first time I broke through the 4th dimension, I couldn’t even comprehend what I was feeling and seeing.
     It took me months before running into a Pure One. She was just perfect in every way. Even the scars she had were perfect. Perfectly flawed. She taught me to go deeper into dimensions and just feel the worlds instead of making things happen like I used to do in the 4th.
     “You can’t force your will on everything like you could in lesser worlds, you have to influence them in these higher worlds. Feel harder.” She would say.
     I felt more than I ever could. I felt more than anybody ever could imagine, and it was lost on me. I was lost for years before I could get close enough to her again. She couldn’t leave the 9th dimension, so I had to go to her. Years of feeling nothing, but easily making worlds as stepping stones to get to the 9th, just to feel. Tonight I’m reaching the 9th where she is going to take me and transform me to make me what I truly am. What I’ve been feeling my whole life. Empty parts of you can be filled, if you are where you belong. . . I belong in the 10th dimension with the rest. With this last lucid dream I’ll be gone. I hope to see you on the other side if you feel empty. You’ll be whole again,
With love,
A broken soul