Sunday, January 31, 2016

Meat in the Street


Meat in the Street

     With wincing eyes, I gaze at the blurry red numbers on my alarm clock. 9:23 am it reads. My mouth is drier than a camel's pussy. Reaching blindly on the side of my bed for a bottle of water, I feel something smooth with my left foot. I look next to me and it’s the girl that wouldn't have anything to do with me in the bar. I guess I got her attention before last call.
     I got out of bed to get something to drink and to take a leak. Drank two large cups of cold water after draining the main vain and flushing the floating used rubbers down the toilet. Looking in the fridge I thought "Thank the stars I used rubbers" as I ate a few grapes. Then took a couple bites of left over Honey Dew Melon, grabbed a few bottles of sprite and went back in the bedroom.
     "Get back in bed, Honey. I’m cold." She said in a baby voice.
     "Veronica...... My name is, Veronica."
     "I know what your name is, baby. I was just trying to clear my dry throat." I said.
     "Mhmmm. Just give me the Sprite, slick." She teased.
     I got under the covers and took a few big drinks. Veronica put her head on my chest and played with my stomach hair.
     "I noticed you at the bar every weekend for months and you never talked to me. Why make the move last night?" She asked.
     "I hit on you every weekend. I guess I wore the right shoes last night or something."
     "Well, you did have some nice shoes on. Sorry I play hard to get. I just don't flirt with any guy. I like a guy to show real interest. But I was hoping you wouldn't forget about me because you're a cutie." She said with a smile.
     We sat in silence for a bit. I could do much worse I thought. She has well-groomed nails, freshly cut hair, and smells good. She keeps flashing me that perfect smile. Wanting me to say something life changing, I assume. She isn't thin, but not too thick. Just the way I like it. I cannot remember if she has a nice ass on her, but she for sure has a big rack pressing on me. Black hair, smeared make-up, but still very beautiful. If she has an ass on her, I might have her over later tonight.
     "So, you wanting breakfast?" I asked. "I can make some pretty good pancakes."
     "No. I better get going. I'll take a cup of coffee, if you don't mind. I'm going to freshen up, and I'll meet you in the kitchen." She said.
      I went into the kitchen and put on a pot. Checking my phone for any late night drunk texts I can't remember sending. Nothing. Big relief. My whole house smells like this chic. I could get use to that. Been pretty dry around here for a few months.
     "Hey, Hun. Coffee ready?" She asked as she gave me a sweet kiss.
     I poured her a cup of the finest Joe I ever made.
     "You take any cream or sugar, Sugar?"
     "Boy, you're full of witty comments, huh? I take both." She said.
     I gave her the cup and sat at the island cross from her. She's checking her phone. Hope she isn't a Facebook stalker, posting pics of my place or anything. She seems pretty smart. Not sure what she does, but she looks like a professional of some kind. I'm trying to recall anything we might have talked about last night but I can't remember anything before 11pm. Fuck.
     "So, last night was fun. We going to change numbers, so we can do this again?" I asked.
     "I don't give out my number. Maybe we'll see each other again at the bar. It was fun staying here last night."
     "Well I will keep an eye out for you then. I'd like to see you again tonight." I said.
     "Slow down, stranger. I have to get going. I have a busy day ahead of me. Thanks for the workout last night, I forgot to run yesterday." She said as she got up.
     I stood up and went around the island to get a goodbye kiss and lead her to the door. Damn, she has an ass on her too! I better run into this girl after I get back from my food truck trip to San Fran.
     "Did you mean what you said last night?" She asked.
     "Every word." I said without blinking.
     She gave me a kiss, smiled, wrinkled her nose and walked out the door.  Fuck, I should have pushed for that number. I didn't want to seem like a desperate asshole though. I poured me a cup of coffee and tried thinking about last night with no luck. What did I mean "every word" about?
     I finished off the pot of coffee and walked into the bathroom, and noticed her number written on the mirror with lip stick. Man, she is going to be a fun one, I could tell.
     After getting out the shower and eating those pancakes I had on my mind, I called Frank.
     "Hello? Who is this?" The female voice says on the line.
     "Tony Richards. Where is Frank?" I asked.
     "Oh, hey, Baby! Well, He got picked up last night by the law. His second DUI. So He'll be in there for a week until we get the money to get him out. We won't know how much it'll be till tomorrow, so it might be two weeks if it’s a lot...... Why you calling?"
     "We had a trip coming up. We're going to San Francisco with Lisa and Charlie for the street food festival La Cocina. I guess he won't be able to make it this trip. I will be able to chip in on his bail money. Just get back with me and we'll work something out." I said.
     "Oh, great! Everyone will be happy to hear that. I’m sure Frankie will be thankful. I know he is going crazy in there right now. I told em.... I told em this would happen aga....."
    "Sorry. But I need to go. Tell Frankie to stay out of trouble in there for me."
     "Sure thing. I'll tell that son of mine to keep his ass in the corner until we get em out. Lord knows he has a loud mouth on em. Thanks, Honey. I'll keep in touch. Bye, Bye." she said.
     Fuck. It’s Sunday, so I have a few days to find someone to come with. There's no way of doing this trip alone. Double fuck! I don't remember leaving the bar last night. It was the last weekend before the trip, so we all drank a little much. Well, besides Lisa. She had to drive drunk ass Charlie home, he sure wasn't fit for getting behind the wheel. I went with Frank to the bar, so I got home because of....... Veronica.
     I went to the safe in my closet and made sure everything was there. I don't know what I could have done last night. I could have told Veronica about the safe, opened it, took all the money out and got lit up on coke for all I know. Panic running through me, it took me three times to put in the code. 23-10-9. fuck... 24-8-7... Shit... 25-10 6...CLICK... I yanked down the lever and swung that door open. Everything was there.
     I sat on my closet floor for a while. Thinking. Planning. Fucking trying to remember what I told Veronica last night! Its 1:23 pm and figured I would call my tag-a-long food truck crew, and see if they have someone that could help me out this trip. I'm not sure if they'll even be up. These guys party until the sun comes up and goes for another few hours.
     I met them at the Taste of Chicago a few years ago. We helped each other keep a nice side of the park where all the people marched to get into the Taste. They need some help with the details of the business and I needed them next to me to keep the people's focus on our trucks. We both drove from California to be at the Taste, so right away we hit it off and helped each other out. They did their Mexican dishes, and I did my Cajun thing.  We finished up the Taste and continued to work with each other in California ever since. Been a great thing so far. Working with a lively young couple helps bring in the crowds.
     I drag my ass out of the closet and grab my phone. Hell, it’s Sunday, so I’m going to crack a beer as well. My fingers wet from beer foam, I swipe my phone to give good ol' Charlie a call.
     "Yea?" The dried out voice answered.
     "Hey! There you are. I need to ask you something." I said.
     "Yea? Like how you got home last night? You know me and Lisa were worried about your drunk ass last night. We even called a few police stations and hospitals because of your ass." He said.
     "I'm fine, don't worry about that. Matter of fact, some fine ass girl named, Veronica took me home last night. And! We had a gay old time...... all night long. If you know what the fuck I’m saying?!" I boasted.
     "Finally!" he said. "It's been what? A few months since you been trying to get her attention?"
     "Yea, yea, yea. Give me a break. You knew I was going to get that, sometime. Anyways, listen, I need a partner." I said,
     "What the fuck happen to Frank?"
     "Second DUI. You know someone or not?"
     "Okay...... Hold on, let me wake Lisa up. It'll be like waking a tiger in a hot afternoon, but I'll do it for you..."
     "Lisa?!" He shouted. "Tony is on the phone. He needs a partner for this San Fran gig, Frank is in the Tank!" he shouted.
     "Hello?" Lisa cracked.
     "Lisa, I'm so sorry to wake you, my dear, but I am in a real bind here. This San Fran gig is closing in, and Frank fucked up. Who you got for me?" I begged
     "..........No one. Charles and I been working alone on our truck since we got it. Never needed an extra hand. I'm sorry, Tony." she said.
     I sat on the phone for some time. Silent. She just waited for me to wrap my head around another solution. Nothing came. "Okay, Lisa, thanks. Sorry for waking you up." I said.
     "It's okay. I had to watch Charles all night. He's been throwing em back more than usual. Hope you find someone, we’d hate to call this trip off. Charles and I would love to visit San Fran and that prison.... What they call it, babe?!" She yelled to Charlie... "Alcatraz, baby!" He yelled back. "Yea, what he said."
     "Lisa. Stay cool and keep an eye on that party animal. Only a few days left until the trip. I'm going to need him sober and ready to go, okay?"
     "Yes, sir! Roger Roger!" she laughed and hung up.


     I had no clue. It’s been over an hour since I hung up with Lisa and Charlie. Needing to take a leak since I been through 7 beers and a few shots of Vodka, I stepped into the bathroom, pulled my joint out and let it fly. You know the best ideas come when you're at the John? Elvis died with the best idea of his life. I shake, zip up and walk to the sink to wash my hands. A ritual of some sorts, almost full blown OCD, but I keep lying to myself. Veronica! There were all my answers in one glance. Red lip stick and a mirror. I knew she would be fun. I cleaned my hands, then picked up the phone.
     "Hello?" A sweet voice said.
     "Damn, you sound better than I remember. I need a favor from you." I said.
     "Already asking for favors, huh? Didn't I already do enough for you last night, Tony?" She asked.
     "I don't remember a great deal from last night, Veronica, I won't lie."
     "I know, I'm just pulling your leg. Last night was fun. What do you need, Mr. Richards?" She teased.
     "My partner got locked up and I need someone for this San Fran trip. You won't need to do much, but prepare and serve food. What do you say?" I asked.
     "For how long, Stranger? You know I am always buried in work."
     "We'll, I don't know that, but it will be this weekend. We leave Thursday." I said.
     "So you did mean what you said last night. I guess I could take my vacation. I never been to San Francisco. What do I need?" She said.
     "You don't need anything. Just bring your fine self. You might need to check that ass in though."
     "Oh, hush up! I don’t need money or anything like that?"
     "Just bring whatever money you need for anything you might want to buy and clothes. Everything else, I have covered. Don't even worry about food or a place to stay. Are you sure? You'll be stuck with me for a few days." I said.
     "Are you kidding?! I am welcoming it. My life is day by day, same thing, after same thing. This will be lovely. I need time to run a few miles in the mornings, though. That a problem?" she asked.
     "You can run as much as you want, but you can't hide." I joked.
     "Okay, you want me to come by tonight to work out the fine strokes?"
     She came by that night. We worked out some strokes alright.
     Veronica worked until Wednesday. On her off time, she helped me work out an easy route to Pier 70.  Charlie and Lisa got along with Veronica right off the bat. We all had the same sense of humor. It made talking and working together very easy. It's Thursday morning now and we are heading out the door.  Food trucks are stocked up. Smokers and supplies are in the pull along trailer. We have about 4 hours of driving ahead of us.
     "I'll take the first two hours!" The girls said at the same time and ran to the trucks. They knew they would be tired of driving by the second half.
     "That's fine. But you girls will be setting up the smokers, while we rest after the drive and get a few beers in us." I said as they ran away. Probably not hearing half of it.
     "Alright, Charlie. I'll see you at a rest stop. Whichever one they pick. They seem to have their own little plans about this trip already." I said
     "Yea. Tell me about it. Lisa been glowing this whole week. She must really be happy about this trip." Charlie said.
     "They really seem to take a liking to each other. Thanks for being so nice to Veronica, I really like this one. She is very witty and intelligent, I can barely keep up. Which is a good thing." I said.
     "Oh shit! They're pulling away!" Charlie yelled.
    We ran and jumped in the giggling Food Trucks. Gave each other a wave to let each other know that we made it.
     "Damn, Baby. In a hurry?" I asked.
     "If I need to set up these smokers when we get there, I sort of am. Its 11 am now, and after I set up the smokers, I'd be lucky to get a few drinks in before we have to put on the brisket for Friday." Veronica said.
     "We don't need to start the brisket until Friday night. The fair isn't until Saturday. I thought we all could go to Alcatraz Friday. What do you think?" I asked.
     "I always wanted to go there!" She said smiling. "I thought this was just going to be all business."
     "Not all business. We have the rest of Today, Friday and the nights over the weekend for us. Figured we could explore San Francisco together." I said.
     "That sounds perfect, Tony. This is going to be so much fun!" She said as she slapped my leg.

     Right on the dot, we pulled over to change shifts. We stopped in some rest stop off of the 101 and stretched our legs. Charlie and I walked around and talked while the girls went off to the bathroom.
     "Lisa was a chatter box the whole time! ‘Veronica this, Veronica that.' All she talked about." Charlie said.
     "Yea, same here. They are really making us look bad. We need to get a bromance going, otherwise, they'll eat us alive and we'll just end up doing what they want this trip." I said.
     "Yea. We are here to get some money in our pockets. We'll have fun today and tomorrow, but come tomorrow night, we really need to get the gears in motion and get these trucks customer ready." Charlie explained.
     "Hey, Boys!" The girls yelled. "Get your asses in gear and get behind the wheel. San Francisco is waiting!"
     They next two hours went by pretty fast. A lot to look at going through California. Veronica took a cat nap on my shift, so it was just me and System of a Down for the ride.
     We got there without a problem. We found some good spots to park the Trucks. Not sure if we'll stay here for the Food Festival, but for now its good parking. We spent the day walking the hills of San Fran. Took a few Cable Car tours. Checked out some local talent. The Golden Man was really good today. Street artists all over the place. People painting Alcatraz Prison on pieces of rock and selling them for a buck. Not a bad price if you ask me.
     We went to Pier 39 and had a bite to eat at the Hard Rock Cafe. We all ordered burgers and fries. After they ordered, Charlie and Lisa went to the bathroom.
     "You know Lisa is pregnant right?" Veronica asked.
     "What? How do you know that?!" I asked.
     "She took a test when we pulled in at the rest stop on the 101, and we checked it when we got here, and it’s positive. She's knocked up."
     "Wow, I don't know how to tell Charlie." I said.
     "We don't, baby. That's their business." She said.
     Charlie and Lisa came to the table and there was silence for five minutes until He asked, "Where's the fucking food? I'm starving!"


     We spent our Friday afternoon running the city over and over. New smells everywhere. Walking the Piers, we came across Pier 33 and decided to go on the Alcatraz Tour. Waiting for the Ferry, we sat and checked out the seals sleep, play and fight. Loud animals. Few years back, they disappeared from the Piers of California and went north. They recently came back, and just in time for us to see them. Wonderful Creatures. The Ferry came and we all got on eagerly. The fog blanketed the water, the Golden Gate Bridge and The Rock. The Ferry was pretty big. Two decks on it. Charlie and Lisa went to the top deck, but I wanted to stay on the bottom, close to the water. Enjoying the view and the mist, I felt Veronica shivering next to me.
     "Here take my sweater." I said as I was unzipping.
     "What are you going to wear, Tony?" She asked.
     "I'll be alright, V. You know you always make me hot." I said smiling.
     Blushing she turned around so I can put it on her. "What got into you today? You're such a charmer." She said.
     "I'm always a charmer, girly. Don't forget it!" I said.
     I put my arm around her as she rested her head on right side of my chest. We didn't say anything the rest of the way, I sure had thoughts running through my head though…. And I was cold as hell the whole ride.
     We got off the Ferry and met up with Charlie and Lisa up front. We had some time so we walked the grounds before the next tour started.
     "Lisa and I are going to check the place out until it starts. We'll meet up later, yea?" Charlie said.
     "Yea. Better keep the girls away from each other before they hatch another plan on us." I said......"How is Lisa feeling?" I asked.
     "Fine, I guess. She been kind of quiet. I think she doesn't like the Ferry ride. Might be a quiet cold ride back to the Piers." Charlie said.
     "I’m sure that’s it. It was a cold as ride. Okay, Charlie. I'll meet up with you later. Don't go in the showers and get raped!" I said.
     Veronica and I walked around out front for a bit, looking at the city off in the distance and bantering. While walking I went to pull off a plant leaf and cut my finger on it. It went right under my nail and caused my finger to bleed. It made for good goofing around material the rest of the tour.
     We got in the group and the tour guide gave us headphones to listen to as we walk through to prison. We walked through the prison, listening and talking about history. People escaping using paper heads on their pillows. Murders in the shower room. Walking the huge outside court. Gorgeous place with deadly history. We all loved it.
     When we got outside it was colder than ever and the fog was thicker. Veronica and Lisa couldn't wait to get back to the food trucks to warm up.
     "As soon as we get back to the trucks we need to start getting this food in the smokers and prepare all we need for tomorrow. So don't get too excited about getting back to them trucks." I said.
     "Oh, shush." Veronica said. "Let’s get on the Ferry."
     It was a cold ride back. But with good friends and a sexy women beside me, it was the best time of my life.


     We got back and went to open up the trailer to get out the smoker when I noticed that the lock and door looked like it was bashed with a bat.
     "Fuck! Good thing they didn't get in, we would be fucked the rest of the weekend." Lisa said.
     I opened the doors and looked inside, it was all there. "Yea, we would have been. I keep new locks inside the truck. Can you grab me a new lock, baby?" I asked Veronica.
     "Oh, I'm 'baby' when you need something, huh?" She said smiling.
   "Just get me the lock, woman," I said as I walked in the trailer to pull out the smokers. I set mine up with Texas style Brisket. Makes a killer sandwich that people will love. Charlie put on his Carne Asada and a small pig for his Pork Tamales and Posole soup.
     "Here you go, chef." Veronica said. "What kind of Mexican is named Charlie anyways?" She asked Charlie.
     "A half white one, darling." He said.
     She laughed and slapped him on his shoulder. We got everything we needed ready for tomorrow done pretty fast. Although, I'll have to check the pig and brisket later tonight, while everyone sleeps.


     It’s go time. We parked the trucks in a good spot and set up shop. Chalked out the day’s menu and started the show.  We had a line within the first hour. Both trucks banging out orders left and right. The day was busy nonstop. None of us got a break.
     "How much money we get, baby?" Veronica asked.
     "Oh so I'm 'baby' when you wanna know how much money you're getting?!" I joked.
     "I think I'll just count all the money after the end of our shift tomorrow before we head back home. We're going to get some rest, I'll talk to you guys in the morning." Charlie said.
    "Bye, guys. We'll see you early in the morning! Come on, Charles." Lisa said.
    Veronica and I cleaned the food truck so we had room to lay down.  She helped me set up the smokers for the last day. I had to double the meat for Sunday, because I heard it's going to be packed. We got in the truck, fooled around for a bit and fell asleep. Great ending to a great day. I thought.


     Sunday came and went. Busy crowds, hungry people and full cash boxes for both my truck and Charlie's truck.
     "We should all go to Hard Rock Cafe again, Charles." Lisa said.
     "Yea, we should. It would be a nice way to end the trip. What do you guys think?" Charlie asked.
     "Yea, let’s go." Veronica and I said at the same time.
     We ate, went back to the trucks and cleaned everything up.  Had a long day and after the beers we all drank (minus of Lisa), we were beat and went to our trucks and fell asleep.
     I woke in the middle of the night with stomach pains. I had to go and had to go now. I normally took a wiz in the alley next to us but I can't take a shit back there. You don't shit where you eat. So I ran (carefully) down to the gas station.
     "I need to key to the bathroom!" I said.
     "No key, Hon. Just walk down and to the left." The lady said.
     I got a few pops and some candy bars for Lisa and headed back to the trucks. It was a chilly night. The wind off the water would grip your bones. I heard screaming. I ran to the trucks and seen Lisa face down in the street with a pool of blood by her head. Veronica was screaming in the truck. I drop everything and run to the back of my truck and peek in. There is a tall skinny guy on top of Veronica ripping her shirt off. I get to my side door, opened it slowly and hit him as hard as I could with the tire knocker on his head. He dropped right on Veronica.
     "What the fuck happen?!" I asked
     "Go check Lisa and Charlie, I'm okay. I heard something outside and before I knew it this asshole was on top of me." She cried.
     I ran over to Lisa and put my head next to her mouth. I heard her still breathing. I yelled to Veronica to sit with Lisa while I go into Charlie's truck. Tire knocker in hand, I slowly peak my head into the truck. Charlie is laying there with half his ear gone and blood in his mouth. I turn on the light and his chest is rising and falling fast. Looks like the shooter missed the headshot. Grazed his head and took half his ear. And maybe kicked him while Lisa jumped out the truck. The cops were outside by the time I went back to check on the girls. Lisa was sitting up by the time I reached them.
     "Is Charles okay?" Lisa breathed "I heard a loud pop and seen a strange man and just ran. I got shot in my shoulder and that’s all I remember." She continued
     "He is knocked out. But I think he'll be fine." I assured


     We're all back home. Charlie had to learn to live with half an ear and Lisa had her baby with no complications. Veronica was shaken up for a while after the whole ordeal. She moved in and we're expecting a baby. I don't see a food truck trip in our near future. Just to be safe. We’re thinking of opening up a restaurant.
     As for the man who almost ran off with all our hard work and lives, He's on probation now. What a justice system huh?



Friday, January 29, 2016



     Logan Harper opened his eyes and all he could see was fire. He got to his feet, scooped up his meowing cat, Shadow and went out his bedroom door. He dropped the cat outside from the second floor window. Fire filled the hallway to his sick brother’s room. He ran to the room without thought and put his hand on the knob and immediately burned his hand. He put his hand under his shirt and twisted the nob. As soon as the door was free, a huge ball of backdraft blew him back against the wall. Set ablaze and arm broken, he ran outside knowing his sick brother was gone.
     “Baby, wake up.” Amanda said.
     “Is my brother ok?” Logan asked.
     “The fire started in his room and spread throughout the house. He was gone before you even woke up. They said it started when Joe lit a joint while having his oxygen tank on. I’m so sorry, baby.” She said as she burst into tears. “If it wasn’t pouring rain, you’d be gone too. I would be lost.”
     “Where is Shadow?” Logan asked.
     “She is fine. At your mom’s house. The firefighters found her soaking wet on your chest.”
     “I need Shadow right now.” Logan said.
     “Okay, baby. You lost an arm and it’s been weeks since you been awake. They said I could take you after a few tests. Do you want to go to your mom’s and eat?” She asked.
     “Of course, get me out of here, I’m fucking starving.” Logan said.
     Shadow will know what to do. Logan thought.
     “What did you want?” Amanda asked.
     “I don’t care, anything will do, and I’m just fucking starving.” Logan said.
     “Jeez, calm down.” Amanda said.
     They headed toward Logan’s mother’s house.
     “Shadow! Come here, girl!!” Logan said.
     Shadow opened her eyes and jumped across the living room furniture and into Logan’s lap.
     “Good girl.” Logan said. He got close to Shadow’s ear and whispered, “We’ll have another chance, right?”
     Shadow just rubbed her warm head against Logan and started to purr.
     Logan and Amanda came home from work at the same time one day and noticed a cat in the bushes.
     “Here kitty, kitty, kitty.” Amanda said.
     The cat didn’t budge. Amanda opened her lunch bag and pulled out her half eaten tuna salad and put it on the ground. After getting a few good whiffs of tuna, the cat came out slowly to investigate the bowl. One black paw came out from the bushes, then an orange paw. The cat was half black and orange right down the middle. Her eyes appeared black when she came from behind the bushes. Once the cat’s face touched the sun, her dilated eyes started to go back to normal and revealed one brilliant green eye and the other was a deep ocean blue. One tentative step after another, she reached the bowl and scarfed down the tuna.
     “Look how beautiful she his?!” Amanda loudly whispered to Logan.
     “She is a unique looking cat.”
     After the tuna was gone, the cat started to purr loudly and rubbed herself through the couple’s legs. After a few runs back and forth, Amanda reached down and picked the cat up.
     “Hello, Shadow. Welcome home.”
     “Home?! Wait now, we need to see if she is someone’s pet. Look at her, she’s clean and healthy.” Logan said,
     “Let’s take her in and see how things go. I’ll check tomorrow if she belongs to someone around the block. Okay?”
     They kept Shadow after that night. No one claimed her after a week of flyers and calls to all the local pet shelters. She became part of their family. Part of their life.
     “It’s been weeks since the fire. How come you haven’t done anything yet?” Logan said while looking at Shadow.
     Shadow looked up with her big bright eyes and stopped purring. She walked up and put her paws on Logan’s chest and started to purr in front of his face. Shadow laid down and they both fell asleep.
     In the middle of the night, Shadow stood over Logan and put her lips right by Logan’s. Shadow’s eyes started to glow different colors and the room went cold. Logan opened his eyes just in time to feel something go in his lungs and see his cat glowing brilliantly. Then it went dark and silent.
     Logan Harper opened his eyes and all he could see is darkness. He looked at the clock and it was 3:04 am. He threw back the covers with the arm he lost in the fire and realized he was back in his room. Heart racing, he ran out of his room and down the hall into his brother’s room. Flinging the door open, he watched his brother reaching for his lighter with the oxygen tank on.
     “Joe!” Logan yelled.
     “Hey, what are you doing up?”
     “You’re going to blow up the fucking house, Joe! Your tank is on!”
     “Fuck. I thought I turned it off.” Joe said.
   “I’m happy to have you back, Joe.” Logan said. “Get some sleep. I’ll check on you in a bit. Shut that tank off when you smoke. Bad things can happen”
     Logan went back to his room and noticed Shadow on the bed barley breathing now.
     “Shadow!” Logan said loudly.
     He watched her eyes close and chest stop moving. Logan picked her up and thought about all the crazy shit that happen since they got her. Maybe this was the last gift she could give? Logan thought.
      The phone rang.
     “Hello?” Logan asked.
    “Is this Logan Harper?
      “Amanda Connor has been in an accident.” The voice said.

The End