Wednesday, March 23, 2016



     He is in front of the door.
     He grips the door knob timidly.
     He twists the door knob slowly.
     He pushes the door open.
     He notices the candles lit in the corner.
     He steps in with his left foot.
     He follows with his right foot.
     He smells the room.
     He looks at the bed and admires a naked woman on it.
     He looks at all the blood on her body.
     He walks toward the bed.
     He wipes some blood off of her arm.
     He licks it slowly.
     He tells her he is going to kill her soon.
     He grabs her by her hair and kisses her.
     He walks to the other side of the bed and looks for the knife.
     He can’t find the knife.
     He looks under the table.
     He feels a sharp pain shoot down his left arm.
     He reaches with his right hand and touches his left shoulder.
     He feels around and the knife he been looking for is lodged into the base of his neck.
     He leaves it in, knowing if he pulls it out right away he is a dead man.
     He looks at the bloody woman.
     He grabs her left ankle and pulls her to him.
     He puts a knee on the bed.
     He gets ahold of the bloody woman’s neck.
     He puts his other knee on the bed.
     He forces her down on her back.
     He lifts his left leg and straddles her.
     He uses all the strength he has to choke her.
     He watches her eyes go wide and mouth fly open.
     He watches tears flow.
     He smiles.
     He looks at her left hand.
     He notices that she pulled out the knife and she is getting bathed in his blood now.
     He is still choking her when she thrusts the knife into his throat.
     He is losing sight of her, all he can see is darkness.
     He loses grip of the bloody woman and falls to his side.
     He gets a glimpse of the bloody woman standing at the end of the bed, looking at him with wild eyes.
     He looks at the bed and he feels the blood pooling around his chest.
     He looks back at her and she has the knife back in her hand, ready to strike.
     He waits for the lethal thrust, but it never comes.
     He is 9 months old and sees his dad beat his mom.
     He is 2 years old and watches his dad burning cigarette butts on his mom while slapping her.
     He is 3 years old and hears his dad beating his mom in the living room.
     He is 5 years old and is told to get his dad a belt so he can watch his mom get beaten with it.
     He is 7 year old and calls 911 because both of his mom’s arms are broken.
     He is 10 years old and his dad makes him choke his mom with a belt.
     He is 15 years old and he beats his girlfriend within an inch of her life.
     He is 19 years old and he kills his dad in self-defense.
     He is 24 years old and he killed his first victim.
     He is 36 years old and he is laying in a pool of blood, looking at his 54th victim watch him die from the doorway.
     He blinks his eyes one last time.

The End