Monday, December 28, 2015

Honey-Do List

Honey-Do List

     "Okay, let's see what she has for me today." Heath Barker said to himself.

Things to do:
1. Get Eggs
2. Fix basement door
3. Paint Shed
4. Get Camping Gear
5. Get Rose's

1) Get Eggs
10:12 am
     Getting Eggs will be pretty easy. Heath thought. He walked outside and went into the shed. He walks passed the bloody walls he will need to paint later. There it is. Now all I need is the remote. He got the remote control car, put the pipe bomb on it and covered it with hotdogs. The remote control was behind some wood. Enid must have put this here. She never lets me have fun. Heath put the gas in the remote control car and set it in the back yard. All I have to do now is wait until they let that little shit out...
10:31 am
     "Go on!" The guy next door yelled. Soon after, Eggs came running outside, barking as soon as the sun hit his face.
     "It's fucking show time. I hope this fuse isn't as fast as I think it is." Heath whispered to himself.
     Heath lit the fuse and twists the knob. The RC car went zipping down the back yard and into the hole in the fence Heath cut earlier last night. Eggs went right for it. Bulldogs tend to be in your face. That's what Heath was looking for.
     "Don't run away, do not fucking run away you fucking mutt." Heath said under his breath. "Just a little longer."
     BOOM! The pipe bomb put out so much energy and force, Eggs was scrambled.

2) Fix Basement Door
11:02 am
     After watching the blood shower, Heath went inside to fix the door.
     "If she didn't use the axe on the last girl I wouldn't have to fix this mother fucker." He said to himself.
     He unscrewed the screws from the old hinges and put the new hinges into place with thicker longer screws.
     "I dare this door fall apart this time."
     "You talking to yourself again, Honey?" Enid said.
     "Fuck, E! Scared the fuck out of me. I could have fell down these stairs!" Heath yelled.
     "Stop bitchin'. So, I see you got number one done. I'm assuming that puddle of blood and bone is Eggs?" Enid said.
     "Yea. Eggs got scrambled prettay gooood." He said with a smile.
     "Wow. You're so funny. How is the door? Is it going to let another girl out this time? You know I had to run in the dark last time to get that cunt." Enid said.
     "Don't worry about the door. The door is fine. When you hit it with the Axe, you broke the top hinge. Look, good as new. You can hit this bitch with a sledgehammer until your blue in the face and it won't budge."
     "Good. But there won't be a need for that. There will not be another mistake like that again... Right?"
     "Right, E." Heath whispered.
     Enid gave Heath a kiss and they went their separate ways, for now.

3) Paint the Shed
11:42 am
     "Fuck! Enid must have hid the paint as well." Heath said to himself.
     "I worry about you." Enid said. "It is in the corner. Look before you start blaming me."
     "What are you doing here? I thought you would be gone all afternoon. Hence the fucking Bitch-Do List." Heath barked.
     "I'm getting ready to go. When you do number five on the list, make sure you have the others done, Heath. That's why it's number five. Okay?" Enid asked.
     "Yes, E. Think I'm going to jump around?"
     "Shush and fucking do the list. And quit talking to yourself. Gives me the creeps." She said as she walked out the shed.
     The walls were covered in blood from the girl that ran away from Enid last time. After she caught up to the girl, Enid dragged her into the shed and cut her into 6 pieces. Heath had to bag the body parts and dump them off at the junk yard. They cube cars every other Monday.
      "Like new. Enid better use the kill room this time. This is MY fucking shed." Heath said as he looked behind him. "On to the next."

4) Get Camping Gear
3:12 pm
     "Duct tape, rope, black bags, baby oil, bleach, chain saw and some watermelon bubblegum. How the fuck did I get out of there without question?" He asked himself walking to his Jeep.
     He opens his back door to load his things, then gets into the driver seat. He turns his key and drives home. Pulling up to his house he sees Enid standing at the side door.
     "Why are by the door?" Heath asked.
     "I lost my key coming back home. Did you get what I asked?" Enid asked.
     "Yes, E."
     "Well, where is she?"
     "I'm still on 4."
     There was a pause. She looked down at her rings, played with them for a second and looked up with red watery eyes. "When can you get to number five?"
     "As soon as I put this shit away. It's only a little after 3. We have plenty of time."
     Heath let Enid in and she helped put things in the play room.
     "You go. I'll finish here and get things ready for when you get back. Do not fuck this up. There's only one chance at this." She said.
     Giving her a reassuring kiss. "I'll be back." Heath whispered.

5) Get Rose's
3:41 pm
     "Time to get Rose's ass." Heath said to himself.
     Heath waited outside the Tire Shop until Rose got off of work.
     "There that cunt is. Enid, get ready."
     It's 5:16pm when Rose comes out the front doors. Her car is at the far end of the lot. Heath is waiting in the shadows when she gets close to her car. With one swing of his Black Jack, she was in his Jeep.
7:00 pm
     "Wake up, you bitch!" Enid said.
     Rose opens her eyes slowly. Looks around the room without moving her head and sees dried skin and wigs all over. In the corner she sees a standing shower area covered with blood and gore.
     "Please, let me go." Rose said under her breath.
    "PLEASE, LET ME GO!!!!!" Enid yelled "No one can fucking hear you here, little girl. You're in our world!"
     Rose got a good look at the face of the person who is yelling. Rose sees a face black with dried blood and a bad wig. Skin is saggy and bare breasts don't look right.
     "What the fuck are you looking at?!" Enid asked.
     Rose watched the face as it got closer. The smell is horrid, she thought. She looked at the hair line and noticed skin on the hair. The hair shifted and fell off into her lap.
     "Heath?!" Rose yelled.
     "Heath is gone, bitch. I'm Enid. He had his fun with you. It's my turn. I'm going to cut you into 6 pieces after I get what I need from you. You'll do just fine."
     Reaching for a rusty knife, He begins to saw at her scalp.
The End



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