Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Becky's House

Becky's House

    Becky's sister hung herself in the downstairs room closet while the rest of the family went on vacation. She had previous obligations that couldn't be broke, so she didn't go. Her name was, Sarah. Everyone was timid leaving her alone in the house with a serial killer on the loose. She was 17, though, and the cops were sure the Killer was on the run out of state, so they trusted her to take care of herself.
    The Suicide-Killer been on his spree since the 1980s, but no one knew about his method of killing until a few years ago. A boom in suicides happen between 1980 and 1995 around Columbus, Indiana. They always found foreign DNA at accidents and suicides. After running it through the DNA Database, they found it belonged to a single unidentified Male. Approximately 60 victims in all. We lived in a small town right outside of Columbus. It was the spring of 1995 when Sarah was found swinging by her neck in her closet.
   It’s been months since Sarah's suicide. Becky and her family were ready to have guests over again. Seems like since the cops found the Suicide-Killer, things have cooled down. The cops went through the house with a fine-toothed comb and didn't find any of the Killer's DNA. So it gave them some kind of closure.
   Becky called Selena to stay over for the weekend before Halloween. Selena has been Becky's best friend since 2nd grade. They had plans to eat treats and try on their costumes. Only house rule was: no one went downstairs, ever.
     "Hello, Mrs. Thomas." Selena said as she walked in the front door. Everyone was in the living room watching scary movies. Smelled of pumpkin scented candles and buttery popcorn. They were all laughing at the silly b-rated movie.
     "Hi, Honey." Becky's Mom, Linda said. "Go in the kitchen and get a bowl of popcorn and join us!"
     Becky took Selena's hand softly and led her to the kitchen. On the stove was a pot of chili and a cast iron skillet with cornbread in it. Popcorn maker on the island still popping popcorn.
     "This is the last batch I'm making tonight, so grab a bowl while you can. My Dad and Owen been eating it ALL up." Becky said.
     "They seem happy. It doesn't get brought up anymore?" Selena asked.
     Becky sat there looking at the kernels pop for a few seconds and turned around to face Selena with a smile. "It doesn't get brought up at all. Seems like I'm the only one who still thinks about Sarah." She said with a fading smile. "The house still feels like she is in it. Like, she's going to come walking through the living room to go get something to eat. Mom doesn't want anyone to go downstairs at all. She won't even go down  there. She takes all the dirty clothes to the laundromat."
     "Give it time, I'm sure things will get back to normal, some kind of normal. Everyone has their own way of dealing. I miss your sister. Remember the last thing we did together was go see Toy Story when it first came out? That was the last time I seen her." Selena said.
     They sat in silence until the popcorn was done dancing. They filled up a few bowls and headed to the living room. "Here's your bowl, Dad. Selena and I are going up to my room." Becky said,
     "Okay, Pumpkin. You girls have sweet dreams. If you wake up for a snack, the chili will be in the fridge." Jeff said.
     "Alright, Dad." She whispered.
     Its Saturday now and the girls been snacking and trying on different costumes all day.
     "Come on, Girls! Owen had his costume picked out over a hour ago. It’s time to decide." Linda said.
     Selena and Becky over heard a group of adults talking about the Suicide-Killer's death sentence date. It was on Halloween.
     "They clear the theory about that guy having anything to do with Sarah's death? Selena asked knowing the answer
     "They said they did, but I know he did it. Sarah had no reason to hang herself. Everything was just starting out for her. IF she wanted to do that, IF; she would of took pills to do it, most likely. She was horrified of pain. She didn't clip her nails for a month because she clipped one too short one time and it drew blood." Becky said.
     "Maybe she liked her nails long." Selena said.
     Standing there giving Selena a are you serious face, she heard her mom yelling from a few isles over. "Get your shit, because we are leaving in two minutes!" Linda yelled. They got two clown costumes and went to check out.
     Later that night, they were dancing in Becky's room wearing their silly clown costumes. They both had sparkly candy colored make-up on, and bright dyed hair.
     "Hey, I'm going to go use the bathroom and get something to snack on, okay?" Selena asked Becky.
     "Yea, I'm going to see if they're any brownies left." Becky said.
     Selena walked into the fresh looking bathroom. Jeff must love boating, because there’s anchors and sailors knots all over the place. She did her business, and walked out the bathroom door. A few steps out, she heard whispering coming from the cracked downstairs door. The lights were out in the kitchen and living room.  Becky must be back upstairs in her room. Selena thought.
     "Selena, I'm down here. Come down, I want to show you something." Becky said.
     "Becky, your Mom told me she didn't want us down there. Come on, let’s get some brownies." Selena whispered.
     The door opened all the way and a cold chill came from the void. It smelled like winter down there. Selena huffed, "Okay, just make it fast, I don't want to make your Mom mad." Walking down the stairs, feeling each step with her cold bare toes, she almost falls, but catches herself on the rail. Looking back up the stairs, the door was closed. "Selena, I'm back here." Becky said. Selena walks slowly, looking around. It's dark, she can barely see anything. A soft glow comes from behind the backroom door. She walks toward it.


     "Why are you down here, Becky?" Selena said as she pushed on the door.
     Sitting on the bed in the room looking right at the door was, Sarah. Her eyes are milky white and angry. Blood pouring from her mouth where she bit her tongue off, soaking the front of her dress with black blood. The door slammed and by the time Selena turned back around, Sarah was in her face. The smell of death was strong and anger filled the room. Sarah just stood there looking into Selena's face with pure white eyes. She couldn't move, Sarah had her pinned against the wall. "He did this." Sarah said gargling. Selena did the only thing she could do, close her eyes and cry. A cold blast of air blew her hair from her face and she opened her eyes wide, Sarah was gone. Selena opened the door and ran up the stairs. The door wouldn't open. She started banging on the door and screaming. She heard Becky on the other side of the door screaming for her Mom. The door swung open and she fell on the hallway floor. Selena had marks on her neck like she been hung and her clown costume was covered in blood.
     "How did you get in there, Selena?! How did you get in Sarah's room?!" Linda was screaming. "How?!" Linda slapped Selena.
     "It was open." Selena whispered. "I thought Becky was down there. I heard a voice telling me to come downstairs, she wanted to show me something."
     "Impossible, Selena! I had that door locked for months! No one has a key but me!" Linda still shouting.
     Taking a second to breathe, Linda noticed the blood and marks. "Why did you go? I told you not to go down there. It's not safe down there anymore." She said.
     Linda cleaned and looked Selena over. Then she put a padlock on the downstairs door to keep people out. For now.
The End

1 comment:

  1. Yet another well put together story .. Just the right amount of chill 😍
