Monday, January 11, 2016

The Flower

The Flower

Day 1
     Today is the first day I been able to use both my hands in a long time. I been in bed for years now. Unable to use my limbs. I couldn't even talk for the longest time. Nothing crazy happen to me. I just slipped on ice and hit the base of my skull. I couldn't move after that happen and I been in a coma for years til I woke up with nothing working. All I could do is move my eyes and talk with a slur. One day my mother brought in this beautiful glowing Flower. It was glowing green.
     "Where did you get this flower, Mom?" I asked.
     "When I was driving here this morning, I seen this Flower, so I pulled over and had a pot in my trunk. What luck!" she said. "He said it would help you."
     "Who did mom?"
     "God, baby. God did." she said lowly.
     "Well, I'm sure am feeling better. I can almost reach for my......"
     "Look, Baby!! Your arm is moving!!" She yelled.
     My arm moved and picked up my juice box. Yea, a 35 year old man picking up his drink. What a fucking milestone......Same thing I thought.
     "How is he doing that?" Dr. Smith said.
     "God is doing it!" Mrs. Johnson said.

     Day 2
    "I'm not sure about God doing this. But some kind of force is telling me to move in a way that feels natural." I said.
     "Don't be silly, baby. You know this is God's Will."
     It was a long day today. The Doc came in with a crowd of Doctors wanting to touch every part of me and ask me things I have no clue about. My mind is so foggy still. I need time to get my fucking legs under me. Figuratively speaking...
     This Flower been getting brighter. I told my mom but she doesn't see it. She isn't here at night when it's illuminating the room though. It seems to be stronger at night. I been looking through books for this species of plant, and couldn't find anything. It has a fleshy look to it. The pedals looks like seals skin. I hear a hum coming from it sometimes. I feel like someone is in here with me at night. I'm not sure if it's the Flower or not. How can a Flower give off so much energy? I been out for a few years, but I don't think a plant can be alive. Well, not like you and me. If there even is a you. It's almost 3 in the morning and I been looking at this flower for hours now. I feel like getting up and running. Maybe tomorrow I'll try to walk. I can wiggle my toes.
Day 3
     I had some vivid dreams of me running through a meadow. Not one sweat bead on my forehead. Running with endless energy. I see a Brilliant Flash of light, then I wake up.
     "Honey, what are you thinking about?" Mother asked.
     "I been having really weird dreams of me running and strong feelings about this Flower. It's getting stronger, Mom." I said.
     "God is Strong. Just go with the feeling, you'll be up and running like you been in your dreams in no time."
     We sat there all day looking at me move my toes and feet. I never seen my Mom smile so big. Dad been gone years before this happen to me. So she been pretty down. Kind of seems like I am just a project for her to fix or something. I sure do feel like a project between her and the Flower. I been looking at the Flower for hours now. I think I'm ready for bed. I'm sure it has some dreams for me.
Day 4
     I stood on my feet today in front of 20 doctors and my mom. Which was smiling ear to ear.
     "How long has he been out?"
     "What kind of damage did the brain take?"
     "Was there even odds of him waking up?"
     They asked EVERYTHING without one concern if it bothered me or not. It didn't. I was just happy I was back. Being in a coma isn't any fun... I had nightmares about lost loves, fears I had and things I could never do again. I sometimes heard my family cry and ask me questions. I heard them tell me to move my feet, or to squeeze their hand. But I was... gone. I was in another world. I would be in a bright room and I could hear them. I had 5 shadows over me all the time, putting things inside my body and scanning me. They would leave the room and talk right outside the door. They sounded like a low Hum. Kind of like that Flower.
Day 5
     I walked all day on the treadmill. "Praise Jesus." my Mom would say.
     "Mom? Jesus has nothing to do with this. The Flower does." I finally said.
     "Yea? I'll take this Flower and throw it away, then you'll know Jesus is behind this. He has a plan for all of us."
     "I wouldn't do that. I like the Flower where it is now. Pease leave it there." I said.
     She left it there, but by this time if she did something I didn't like I could stop it. I could walk and move in a way that seemed normal. I felt strong. I went outside and ran miles all afternoon. When I got back to my room and sat next to my Flower, I seen a brilliant flash and blacked out for hours. I woke up and could only move my arms again. I felt a low hum in my chest. It's trying to talk to me. It wants me to know it is in control. Without it I would be a carrot right now, so I go along. I will follow your lead until the end Flower. You make me strong. You're not of this world, and I will follow you.
Day 7
     My baby been gone for a day now. I just found his journal and feel the need to close this. He was doing great. Then God took him. I know he is in a better place. He won't talk about Flowers anymore or think about life beyond what we can see. This Flower took him. Evil must be in this Green Flower. I think I will plant it in the Meadow behind the house and move. Nothing keeping me here anymore. My Chuck is gone and now my only son.
The End


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