Wednesday, February 10, 2016

10th Dimension

10th Dimension

     It was pouring rain when I hit her with my car. She came out of nowhere. I wasn’t drinking, I wasn’t tired, I wasn’t high, I was 100% focused when a brilliant flash appeared on the road in front of me. She was just, there. I slammed my brakes, but it was too late. Her head was already halfway through my windshield bleeding. I jumped out to check on her with my phone in hand already ringing 911 and she was gone. I took my eyes off of her for maybe 1 second to look at my door handle to open it. The cops came and no charges were made because of no body. They just assumed it was a deer and that flash I saw was just lightning. It could have been, but it wasn’t.
     This is just the beginning. It gets interesting from here on out.


     The next day I was at home watching some cheesy movie on Netflix when a blinding flash appeared from the kitchen. Thinking the light just blew out, I walked into the kitchen to put in a new bulb. That’s when I noticed her. She was looking right at me with pure blue eyes. She was around 6’3’’, had grey hair (she didn’t appear to be old) and milky skin. She had a black skin tight suit on that looked like flesh. Frozen in place I asked, “How did you walk away last night when I hit you?” She looked at me with curious eyes and took three steps forward.
     “You’re going to die in three days.” She said without moving her lips.
     “I guess I won’t make it to season 4 of Dexter.” I said.
     She just looked at me with a sweet smile. I guess she had a sense of humor. I didn’t believe any of this at the time. She walked closer and touched my shoulder.
     “I will show you. You need to get ready to change. You can stay here in another body or you can live in the 9th dimension using an Avatar like I am in this dimension.” She said.
     “You taking me to another planet?”
     “No, we’re still on earth. Beings live in different space and view things from different sides.”
     “Why can’t I go to the 10th dimension?”
     “They live there. We and the rest can never go to the 10th. You have to be created there. But they, like me, can travel to dimensions below their own via Avatars. You 3rd dimensioners call them Angels.”
     “And what about Demons? They come from another dimension?” I asked.
     “That’s enough for now. Get ready.”
     Her suit got wet and she was gone.

Day 1

     I woke up feeling like I knew the secret to life. Hell, I knew the secret to death, Life, I wasn’t sure of. I haven’t had a life in some time, I thought, let’s see what kind of life I can make in three days. I Went to work (I don’t know why) and came home soon after. I waited in my living room all evening waiting for the kitchen to light up. It never did. Drunk by this point, I got in my car and drove to the spot I first hit… Her.
     Hey! Don’t judge me. She said I would die in Three days.
     I parked by the curve in the road and got out. Walked around for an hour looking for something out of the ordinary. Nothing. I headed back home and fell asleep.

Day 2

     I woke up at 10:04 am. I gave up on work by this point. I had two more days left, and I wanted to know what was going to happen after I died. So I went looking for her.
     She seemed to like water, so I drove to the Pier. After a while I grew impatient. So I loaded my gun and put it to my head, which made her show up.
     “What are you doing, Sean?!” She yelled.
     “I need to ask you something.” I said.
     “It is not your time. I was forced back to stop you. Do you know what you will do if you end early?” She said.
     “The Demons you asked of? They will take you to the 8th dimension and never let you leave, even after death. After death we all (except for 10th dimensioners) have a choice to relive in the dimension our souls belong to. You have a strong soul, that’s why they sent me to guide you. Not all souls have the energy to choose where to go, but you do.” She said.
     “Do I just come back with you? I am not ready to die. There are things I need to do here first. It might take years.”
     “You have a day. That is it.”
     “But there are……..”
     “A day, Sean. Then you decide where you want to go. I think you know what you need to do. I’ll be with you, not in Avatar, but in Spirit.” She said.
     She was gone. She is good at that. I went home and went to bed.

Day 3

     I woke up. Yea, I woke up. I would have rather died in my sleep. Who knows how I will die. I got up today earlier than yesterday. I don’t have that many people to say bye to. Well, maybe one.
     “Sean? What are you doing here?” The woman whispered
     “I need to say a few things before I… before I go.”
     “Are you moving? I thought you moved out of state, I haven’t seen you in years. You can’t be here right now. Can we meet in a few days, he’ll be gone by then.”
     “Who the fuck is at the door, Grace?! Tell them we don’t want the shit they’re selling!” A man yelled in the background.
     “Sean! What?!” Grace whispered loudly.
     “I know we were friends for a long time and I never made that move we both know I should have made. I guess what I’m saying is: I wish I made it, but it’s too late now.” I said.
     “Bitch, you have 1 minute to get your ass back in here before I come to you!” The man said. (If you want to call him a man.)
     “I can’t do this right now. I am in trouble.” Grace said as she slammed the door.
     “I am in love with you.” I whispered to the door.
     That didn’t go so well. I went home and thought about her for a bit before I got my gun out. I needed to talk to Her. I pulled back the slide, shot once at the floor and put it to my head with the barrel still smoking. I closed my eyes as tight as I could and started to pull the trigger. A brilliant flash crashed in front of me and I felt intense pressure in my body.
     “You’re asking to go to the 8th aren’t you?!” She said with intense furious eyes.
     “How am I supposed to die? I thought that’s what I was programmed to do.”
     “I can only tell you when it’s going to happen. I know because I’m from a higher dimension, but I can’t tell you how.”
     “How can I hear you when you don’t move your mouth?”
     “You wouldn’t be able to understand my language, so I have to use this Avatar to filter my words into something you can comprehend. This Avatar doesn’t speak, so I have to go straight into your mind. You will get to choose what Avatar you use after your transition into the dimension you like.”
     “I want to go into the 10th.”
     “I don’t think that is possible. You need to be born into the 10th. Only they can go in and out of that dimension without being ripped apart. They are the ones you 3rd dimensioners call Angels.” She said. “They keep the world from tearing apart. It’s mostly made up of Dark Matter.”
     “What if I just want to move up to the 4th?”
     “You know what Avatars they use?”
     “They use an Avatar you know as Bigfoot. When they come here, they are so timid to be noticed, they try to stay hidden. Even my Avatar isn’t the most accepted by your kind… Sean, I HAVE to go, and you need to just wait to be taken. You will know what to do after you leave your body. I will guide you if you need me. But only, after. I used up all my Avatars for now. Be careful not to leave early.” She said as she imploded
     I went for a long walk after that. It was hard to believe all the strange things in our world are just Avatars. UFOs and Aliens? The Mothman? Angels? Demons? Ghosts? All Avatars it seems. I guess I been believing in something that’s useless. We’re all just a part of random events. Life bounces off of life. That’s it.
     Not long after that thought, a speeding car came around the corner and hit me. I had no time. Head through the windshield and covering the dashboard with my blood (I couldn’t believe how black it looked at night), I died.

10th Dimension
     I was born in the 10th Dimension. I died in the 10th and ended up in the 3rd as a human. Not an Avatar human, but as a living breathing Human. I lost all my memories from my life as a 10th dimensioner. As soon as my human brain quit firing neurons, I went back home. She (I never learned her name) helped me after I left the human body to find my path back here. She gave herself to make sure I was back where I belonged. I could have saved her, but I wasn’t strong enough when it happen.
     Well that is my story. I have to go back to the 10th now, this Avatar is almost ready to implode. As a 10th Dimensioner, I can use any Avatar I want. I had to come back to the 3rd and write about what happen. Maybe it’ll touch the right people. I wrote this as a Bigfoot by the way.

The End

Afternote: I wrote this story after a dog ran in front of my car one night. I was driving home and noticed a Great Dane running in front of my car. I didn’t see him (I’ll assume it was a him) until he was in front of me and I pushed his rear end with my bumper. I slammed on brakes and watched him in my driver side mirror. He jumped back to his feet straight away and ran off. I knew he was okay, but I still drove around the block five times looking for him. I didn’t hit him, it was more of a push that spun his body out. I couldn’t get it off my mind and this story came from it. I hope you enjoyed the story. Thanks for reading.


  1. I like this😃. It's quite touching actually. Thank you.

  2. I like this😃. It's quite touching actually. Thank you.
