Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Something BIG

Something BIG

     “This is the start of something big.” She said to me. I didn’t believe it then, but I believe it now. A lot has changed since those words entered my ears. And not all of it is for the better.
     We stood there looking at the body she just stabbed over and over in my living room. I couldn’t believe all the damage she did to him while I was in the bathroom. It couldn’t have been ten minutes and she had his head halfway off.
     “What the FUCK did you do?!” I yelled at her.
     “He tried to touch me. NO ONE touches me without my permission!” She screamed.
     “Okay, okay… Keep it down. We need to get him out of here and get out of town. How much money do you have from the long weekend at the club? He might have a stash at his place.” I asked.
     “Plenty enough to get out of state. I have a friend we can stay with no one knows about. And how are we going to get him out of here?”
     “We’ll have to cut him up and take him out in suitcases. I have three in the room, go grab them.”
     She went in the room and came back with three cases and an excited look on her face.
     “Why are you so happy? I have a dead asshole on my floor and we have to do some unspeakable things and you’re smiling. How about you cut his ass up and I’ll wait outside the bathroom.” I said.
     “This is the start of something big.” She said.
     “And what’s that?”
     “I don’t know, but I can feel it. Can’t you?” She asked
     “Let’s just get his ass in the tub and you do the cutting, I’ll do the packing.”
     She had the biggest grin on her face the whole time. Her hands and arms were almost black with blood. Sweat beading on her forehead and face as she hacked away at limbs. She was in heaven… a sick and twisted heaven. It took us almost 2 hours to get him cut up and in the cases. We had to drag the body down two staircases to get him into the van.
     “If we’re leaving town why did we need to clean up?” she asked.
     “This guy is connected to the clubs we work at and has his hands in some drug trafficking. They can’t find out he was fucking murdered at my place. I’m happy for that rug. It had the rubber bottom and kept all the blood off the actual floor. We might get away with this. I know he has a stash at his place, we just need to stop by at the right time to get it.”
     “Something big.” She whispered as she kissed my cheek.
     “Yea, something big. Hopefully it doesn’t turn and fuck us both.”
     We took the body to the bridge and threw suitcases off the side. After the first one I thought we should weigh them down, but it was too late, one was already in the water, might as well throw the other two in. We were getting the fuck out of dodge anyways. Just enough time to get what we need from his house.
     We chilled in the van for a few hours and waited for his lights to go out. We didn’t need to go into the house, all the money and coke was in the garage.
     “Okay, let’s go.”
     “I’m not fucking going.” She said.
     “Why the fuck not?”
     “I’m scared of the dark.”
     “You just cut a man to pieces!” I yelled under my breath.
     “Yea, so… the lights were on though.”
     “You are some special kind of fucked up, huh? Fuck it, I’ll be back.” I said.
     “Okay, Arnold.”
     I went toward the back of the house, keeping to the shadows. I’m always wearing black, so being seen isn’t an option for me tonight. I got to the garage and picked the lock fairly easy. I cracked the door and slid inside, shutting it behind me. I pulled out my cellphone and illuminated the space with my screen. Took me maybe 20 minutes to find the secret section behind one of his cabinets. At least $50,000 in cash and 5 pounds of coke in there. I put it in my bag and headed back to the van.
     “Fuck, what took you so fucking long?” she said as I opened the driver side door.
     “I had to do my thing, okay? Shit takes time.”
     “Whatever. Let’s get out of here. This town gives me the creeps.”
     “I may never understand you.” I said.
     “What did you get, by the way?” she asked.
     “I got a few bricks of coke and some mo…….”
     That’s when I heard a loud blast. I felt glass and something wet all over my face. I looked over at Judy and her head was almost gone. The body’s wife came out and shot Judy’s head off with a shotgun. I had some pellets in my shoulder and neck when I sped off. With Judy beyond dead in my passenger seat and me bleeding like a pig, I HAD to stop at the ER. I didn’t want to die. I figured I’d go in and get fixed up before anyone noticed anything. Guess the security guard got keen on my van and checked it out. Kind of hard to miss blood all over the windshield of a black windowless van.
     So, here I am, in a prison cell, telling my story. Something big, huh? Getting your head blown off is a big event. I almost died. The doc said, “Seven more minutes, and you would have been a corpse on my table.” Such kind words. I’ll do my time and get out an old man. At least they give me a Guitar to play in here.

The End

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