Sunday, February 7, 2016

Inmate 2975

Inmate 2975

     "What are you in for?" Inmate 1532 said.
     "I'm here from turning people." Inmate 2975
     "What do you mean, 'turn' people?" Inmate 1532 said. "Call me Buddy, everyone does."
     "Well, Buddy, people have dark energy. I just turn them, so they're pure again in the next life." Inmate 2975 said.
     "Sounds like you're a Buddhist or something. After life and all that. I don't believe in anything. What’s your name?"
     "Inmate 2975 is my new name in here." he said.
     "Oh come on, guy! I can give you a nick name. I can't call you that. We're going to be in this small cell for who knows how long. I'm in for life." Buddy said.
     "You can call me by my initials, SK." he said.
     "Sounds like you're a famous author. Ha-ha." Buddy said.
     "I'm a famous something. Author is not one of them. But I will be doing some writing once I get moved to Death Row." SK said.
     "Why are you going into Death Row? Buddy said.
     "I turned too many people, they said. I have to pay for it in this life, but that doesn't matter, I'll be back." SK said.
     "How did you do it? Buddy asked.
     "I'd kill them anyway I could, but made it look like they did it to themselves. It worked for a while." SK said.
     "How many people did you... um... Kill?" Buddy asked.
     "Not enough. Around 60 or so. Not sure. I didn't keep anything from them, so I don't have an exact number. I just watched their eyes change and I knew I purified their Dark Energy.” SK said.
     "Dark Energy?” Buddy asked.
     "We all come back after we die. We're made up of Energy and sometimes while we're in Dark Matter waiting for a body to open, we get tainted. And that Dark Energy makes people murder, rape, you name it. So I change people." SK said.
     "Do I have Dark Energy in me?" Buddy asked.
     "No. So you should kill yourself so you can come back and be free. Why stay here and get fucked and beat for the rest of your life?" SK asked.
     "I been trying to kill myself for years." Buddy said. "Never did it though."
     "You have to want to die to do it. You can't half ass it. Choose a way to go out and do it." SK said. "Take your socks, Cut them in half and tie them together, put it around your neck and sit. You'll be gone before you know it."
     "I should. I been here for years. I have no life beyond this fucking cell, I might as well." Buddy said.
     "I'm going to crawl in the top bunk. I'll see you on the other side. Maybe we can keep each other company in the Dark Matter while we wait for bodies." SK said.
     "What the fuck is this?!" the Guard said.
     "I have no clue. When I went to bed he was not too happy." SK said.
     "Kenny...Kenny?!..... Lift this asshole up." The Guard said.
     "He's almost fucking 400 pounds! Let’s get another Guard in here!" Kenny said
     "Did he talk about this before you went to bed?" The Guard asked.
     "He was not happy. None of us really are, are we?" SK asked.
     "Guess not. He been on suicide watch all year. Good thing you go to Death Row." Kenny said. "You won't have to worry about anything."
     "I'll be back, Kenny." SK said.
     "Sure you will. I'll keep an eye out for you, Asshole. Until then, you'll be sleeping in this stinky little cell until you go to Death Row. Have a good night." Kenny said.
     "I'm here. Let’s lift this fat fuck and leave this asshole in here to think about what he did. We know you talked him into doing this. You'll be dead soon enough...... What's your name again, Asshole?" The Guard asked.
     "Just call me, The Suicide Killer."


     This story is tied to my other short story "Death Row." 
     Might want to read "Becky's House" while you're at it.
     I like this Character I call "The Suicide Killer." I might write a novella on him. Keep an eye out. Thanks for reading.

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