Thursday, February 11, 2016

Killer Party

Killer Party

     What am I doing here? I should of never even fucking came to this place. I knew it was a bad idea. As soon as I walk in, I get sideways looks and people pointing and talking under their breaths.
     "Hey there! Who's this?"
     Look at this asshole. Asking like I'm a fucking puppy or something.
     "It's John, Dad." Amy said.
     Fuck. Have to meet her Dad right off the bat. He's already giving me that shit look. Let's see how this goes.
     "Oh Wow! I heard so much about you. How you doing, Son?"
     I'd be better if I had your daughter to myself in the room bent over looking back at me.
     "I'm fine. Nice party." John said.
     "By 'Nice' I mean, 'get me the fuck out of here!"
     "Go on, kids! Enjoy the party. The booze is in the kitchen, John, you look like you can use a drink." Dad said.
     I could use a gun and two bullets just in case the first one doesn't put me out of my fucking misery.
     "Come on, honey. You hungry?" Amy asked.
     Hungry? No.... Horny? Yes... Will I get any in the master bedroom upstairs...? I will try.
     "I could use a little something. If you know what I'm getting at." John said.
     "Oh, stop. Maybe later." Amy said with a smile on her face.
     How can there be so many fucking people here? They're not the Kennedy's. Why is the New Year such a big deal? Just another shitty year. They make New Year’s resolutions they never keep and do the same shit they been doing for years. I'll get hammered though and see about that master bedroom lovin'.
     "Here is your drink and some of that party sub. There's ham, chicken, mmmmm, I think turkey....HEY, MOM... IS THERE TURKEY IN.......?”
     "It's fine. Thanks, Baby." John cut her off.
     She can make a good Dirty Sprite. Just the right amount of Vodka.70/30 Vodka. She won't want me drinking straight Vodka tonight. She knows I'll turn this place up. I think I'll go ahead and slam these so I make her uncomfortable enough to leave.
     "John! What the fuck are you doing?!" Amy yelled under her breath.
     "Come on. I just had a few glasses."
     "Damn it. I told you to keep a slow pace tonight. I don't want my parents to get a bad impression of you, Honey!" She said with tears forming.
     Now I feel like an asshole. A drunk asshole, so let me see if I can work this into the master bedroom...... 'To talk.'
     "I’m sorry. Let’s go in the master bedroom so we can talk." John asked.
     "Okay. I'm getting a headache, so I could use some quiet for a bit. Let’s go." Amy said.
     Damn these stairs go forever. I am loving this view of her ass bouncing though. Just a few more steps and it's mine.
     "Let's see how comfortable this bed is."
     "I knew you didn't want to just talk, but I'm okay with that. Let’s make this fast, I don’t want to get caught." Amy said.
     This isn't as fun with her being so agreeable. Half the fun is getting her to get into it even if she isn't 100% comfortable. But man! What a beautiful view. I'm a lucky man.
     "David! David, honey, wake up!!" Someone yelled from downstairs.
     What the fuck is this? Half the party is passed out... Maybe dead, they look dead.
     "Mom, what the fuck happened?" Amy yelled.
     "I don't fucking know. Everyone just started passing out left and right. Only the people drinking from the spiked punch bowl is out. Are they dead?!" Amy's mom asked.
     I watched this asshole on the kitchen floor pour something into the bowl. I just thought he spiked it. What did he put in there? Did Amy have any?!
     "Did you drink any punch?" John asked
     "No. I, uh, can't drink." Amy said.
     I hope she's not drinking to drive my drunk ass home and not be pregnant.
     "They're not breathing, Deb!" Amy's dad said.
     "I think that guy put something in the punch. I watched him pour green liquid in it." John said.
     "I never seen him before. Where is my phone? I need to call 911!!" Debbie yelled.
     What a Killer Party.


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