Tuesday, February 2, 2016

The Shadow Man


     "Where is Jennifer?" Amber asked.
     "Don't worry about where she is. Eat the stew or I won't feed you for a week." The black shadow of a Man said. He walked up the noisy wooden stairs and slammed the door. Amber heard the padlock click shortly after.
     Amber talked to Jennifer for a few weeks since she been in the Shadow Man's house. She got in a fight one night with a few of her girlfriends and left a bar. Walking in the rain, an old pickup truck stopped on the side of the road and asked her if she needed help. She got in and woke up in this Shadow Man's dungeon. She opened her eyes and saw darkness with just hints of light. Looking further she observed brick patterns on the walls, and felt the hard cold floor on her bare ass.
     "Psst. Don't yell otherwise he'll hose us down. And trust me, it gets really cold through the night." Jennifer said.
     "Where are we? What's going on?" Amber asked.
     "He got me when I was walking my dog late one night. I been here for three weeks. There was a girl here when I first woke, but he took her somewhere a few days ago. But now you're here, so I won't be as lonely as I have been. You can't talk to me when He is around, He doesn't like that. Don't worry, He'll give you some clothes in a few days. It's part of his control. Just go with everything and we'll find a way out. Okay?"  Jennifer said.
     They spent three weeks together when the Shadow Man took Jennifer upstairs.
     "Where are you taking me?" Jennifer asked as they left the dungeon and headed upstairs.
     He didn't answer her, just led her to the kitchen. There was dried blood on the floor. It looked black.
     "Sit down and eat." Shadow Man said.
     Jennifer ate her warm meal. This is the first for her since she been in the dungeon. He normally feeds his girls dog or cat food. She ate every last bite and drank all the warm milk he had on the table.
     "How did Rachael taste? I ate the rest of her but had her legs left, so I figured I'd make something special for you before you die today. I need more meat." The Shadow Man said.
     "I did everything you wanted. I'll stay here with you, forever." Jennifer said.
     Shadow Man walked slowly behind Jennifer and started to rub her shoulders. "This won't hurt." He whispered right before he hit her in the head with a hammer. Knocked out, he slit her throat. Blood flooding the floor trying to go into a clogged drain. He cut her into pieces and put her in the freezer. Eating bits of her as he did.
     Amber has been alone for a few days. She is full from the stew Shadow Man gave her. She hears the lock clicking as he puts the key in. The creek is loud as he opens the door. She hears sobbing and the stairs knock with each foot step.
     "Be quiet, you're with your sister now. Sit tight, you'll eat well soon." Shadow Man said.
    He put the girl next to Amber. She was young, 16 maybe. Amber thought.
     "Psst. He kept clothes on you. That's the first that I know of. How did he get you?" Amber asked softly.
     "I was at a sleep over. Amy pissed me off, so I left. I headed down the street, my house is right down the block. I thought I would be safe to walk home." Samantha said as she sobbed.
     "Don't worry, I have a plan on getting us out of here. I been here for a few weeks. Jennifer went upstairs with......"
     Shadow Man came down the stairs. He had something in his hand.
     "Here little one. Take this and eat while you can." He said.
     "I am not hungry, asshole!" Samantha yelled.
     "Eat now. This is the last time I tell you." Shadow Man said.
     "Fuck off!" Samantha said, then began to scream.
     Amber tried to get Sammy to eat and calm down before the Shadow Man came back, but it was too late, they were already getting blasted with ice cold water.
     "This is going to be a long cold night." Amber whispered.
     It's been a few weeks since Samantha been in the dungeon with Amber. It's early in the morning and Amber sees light coming from the door and a long shadow creeping down the stairs and into the room. She was ready for anything.
     "Shorty, get up." Shadow Man said to Amber.
     "Where are we going? Can I go home yet?" Amber asked.
     He did the same thing she seen him do with Jennifer. He grabbed her arm and led her up the stairs. Her long shirt snagged on a nail and ripped it.
     "My shirt!" Amber yelped
     "Don't worry, you won't be needing a shirt soon." The Shadow Man said.
     He sat Amber down at the table. She could see all the dry blood on the floor and smelled what was in the pot.
     "You cooking ham for us?" Amber asked eagerly.
     "No, it's a special soup for my special little girl. Eat." Shadow Man said.
     Amber ate the whole bowl. He hasn't been feeding them since Sammy's little protest. Shadow Man just watched with a little smirk in front of his spot light.
     "How did Jennifer taste? I know you missed her, but now you have her inside you. Forever." He said.
     "You been cooking people?!" Amber screamed.
     "I keep two girls at all times. When I eat most of one, I'll feed the rest to the one I'm going to eat next, then get a new girl in the next couple days. You have served your purpose. You're a little skinnier than I wanted you, but that bitch Samantha had to fuck up meal time." The Shadow Man said as he walked to the counter.
     Amber looked around and noticed a hammer with bits of meat on it and took it in her hand, and put it on her lap under the table.
     "This won't hurt." He said. "It'll just be one split second and you'll be with Jennifer and the others." He walked behind Petite Amber looking for his hammer. He walked toward the spot light to check the counter. Amber stood up slowly, inched toward The Shadow Man, and hit him on the back on the head as hard as she could. He fell to the floor, eyes huge and blood pooling under him.
     "What are you doing?! Stop! I'm saving you!" He yelled.
     Amber hit him in his face till there was nothing left but skin, hair and bone. She took the key, got Samantha and left the house. The sun was shining bright.
     "What a beautiful day, Sammy." Amber said...



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